About Michelle Avery Konczyk's Shop

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Michelle Avery Konczyk

Philadelphia, PA

Michelle Avery Konczyk is a painter hiding and working in Philadelphia, interested in watercolor and surrealism and absence and pain and hands and ghosts and undercurrent and symbols and dirt + decay

Cover photo
Michelle Avery Konczyk is a painter hiding and working in Philadelphia, interested in watercolor and surrealism and absence and pain and hands and ghosts and undercurrent and symbols and dirt + decay

My paintings are my intricate journals, very carefully curated. The people I paint are representations of myself and how I depict them tells my story of how I perceive the world. A common theme I resonate with is the duality of light and dark. I feel it exists in everything. You can notice this in the way my paintings tend to be dark and creepy while also being equally beautiful and delicate. All of the elements I include have symbolic significance and are placed carefully with full intent. Eyes are a connecting factor in every piece. They are constantly fading out, dripping, melting, bloody, on fire, somewhere unnatural, etc., and their placement always plays into their meaning. When an eye is placed on a person in an unnatural way, it represents something internal and when outside of a person, they are more of a lurking, glaring, judgmental eye, that’s watching your every move. There is something very human about the surreal elements I incorporate in my paintings. I think it’s what makes others feel so connected to my work.